
Modern Slavery Statement – July 2024

Avonchem Diagnostics continues to recognise its legal and moral obligations to comply with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act; we are dedicated to running our operations in a socially responsible manner.

We are committed to ensuring that modern slavery in any form has no place in or in connection with our organisation and are pleased to reinforce that commitment through this statement.

The Act defines modern slavery as “slavery, servitude, and forced or compulsory labour” as well as “human trafficking”. We comply with all applicable legislation relating to the engagement of staff, including pay and conditions, and we support the health and wellbeing of our staff.

Our Operations and Supply Chain

Avonchem Diagnostics partners with suppliers that adopt the same strict standards that we do. We expect our suppliers to operate fair and ethical workplaces and practices, where workers are treated with dignity and respect, and the highest standards of human rights are upheld.

We expect our suppliers to engage with us constructively and responsibly, and to demonstrate their willingness to address any identified modern slavery-related issues in a timely manner. Avonchem Diagnostics will not partner with suppliers and other stakeholders that are unable to demonstrate progress towards the eradication of modern slavery within their organisations and supply chains.

Modern Slavery Policy

Our Modern Slavery policy, underpinned by our conditions of contract, expects our suppliers to:

  • Prevent and mitigate instances of modern slavery which are linked to our business operations and supply chain
  • Identify, understand, and promote awareness of modern slavery risks and issues pertinent to our field of operations
  • Robustly address any instances of modern slavery which we find that our business operations have contributed towards
  • Comply with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015, including by fulfilling our compliance obligations in publishing a ‘Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement’


Avonchem Diagnostics encourages honest and open communication with all our stakeholders, including those working for us or for our suppliers and those impacted by our operations.

Our whistleblowing arrangements can be used for the disclosure of suspicions relating to instances of modern slavery, thereby encouraging its reporting and prevention. If anyone suspects or knows of any modern slavery-related activity or unethical behavior, we urge that individual to report it immediately.

If we become aware of a case of modern slavery occurring within our operations or supply chain, we are committed to investigating the cause of the violation so that we can take appropriate steps to eliminate this contravention and prevent a reoccurrence. In any such case, we would prioritise the response that produces the safest outcome for any potential victims.

Our Due Diligence Processes

We periodically review the modern slavery policies of our high-risk suppliers. We will issue a Modern Slavery Supplier Questionnaire to new higher risk Suppliers and engage and review these appropriately.