
Equal Opportunities Statement – July 2024

We are proud to be an equal opportunities employer and encourage diversity throughout the business. We take our social responsibilities very seriously and work hard to promote best practice.


All of our policies embrace the principles of equal opportunity and our commitment to ensure that no member of staff or job applicant will be treated less favourably in a manner which conflicts with the provisions of any relevant equality legislation. Equality legislation recognises a number of protected characteristics: Age, Disability, Gender identity or expression, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy & Maternity, Race, Religion & Belief, Political Opinion, Sex and Sexual Orientation. Avonchem Diagnostics will not tolerate discrimination based on any of these protected characteristics.

Equal Opportunities shall apply in all conditions of work including pay, hours of work, holiday entitlement, sick pay, maternity/ paternity entitlement, pensions, recruitment, selection, training, promotion, shift work, and work allocation.

We monitor the composition of our workforce and may take lawful positive action if it appears that the effectiveness of this policy can be improved.

All colleagues have a responsibility for good equal opportunities practices; treating each other with dignity and respect and for challenging any behaviour which might be regarded as unfair or discriminatory. Line managers are specifically responsible for ensuring fair treatment with particular reference to recruitment, training and development opportunities and work allocation.

Recruitment and Promotion

Applicants for vacancies will be given clear and accurate information. All person specifications for posts shall only include requirements that are necessary for the role. Adverts will be aimed at as wide a group of suitably qualified and experienced people as possible.

Selection will be conducted thoroughly and objectively and shall deal with the applicant’s suitability for the role. The recruiting manager will ensure that the individual is aware of the job requirements (for example where it involves unsociable hours or extensive travel), and this will be discussed objectively. Detailed personal information necessary for personnel records will be collected after a job offer has been made, unless it is only being used for equal opportunity monitoring.

Discriminatory Conduct

The Company will not tolerate discriminatory behaviour by any of its employees, or any other person providing services (such as freelancers or contractors). Any colleague who subjects another colleague, agency worker, contractor or applicant to unlawful discriminatory treatment of any kind, may be subject to action under the Disciplinary Policy.

Where an act of deliberate discrimination is proven, such behaviour may be considered gross misconduct and could result in summary dismissal.

In the case of a third party, such as a freelancer, subjecting a colleague or any other person working for or providing services to Avonchem Diagnostics, to unfavourable treatment, we will also take appropriate action.

If you believe you have been treated unfavourably on grounds of your sex, marital or civil partnership status, parental status, race, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, please discuss it with your manager in the first instance.